Dreaming 您所在的位置:网站首页 you are my dreaming翻译成中文 Dreaming


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主要翻译英语中文 the Dreaming, the Dreamtime n (Australian aboriginal worldview)SCSimplified Chinese 澳洲土著的泛灵信仰  The Dreaming is a key concept in Aboriginal culture.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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主要翻译英语中文 dream⇒ vi (have a dream)SCSimplified Chinese 做梦 zuò mèng TCTraditional Chinese 做夢  I've been dreaming a lot lately.  最近我老是做梦。 dream that vtr (with clause: imagine while asleep) (睡觉时)SCSimplified Chinese 梦见,梦到 mèng jiàn,mèng dào TCTraditional Chinese 夢見  I dreamed that you would come.  我梦到你会来。 dream of [sth], dream about [sth] vi + prep (daydream)SCSimplified Chinese 做…的白日梦,幻想 zuò de bái rì mèng,huàn xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 幻想  All day long, she dreamed of their honeymoon.  她一整天都在幻想着自己的蜜月。 dream of [sth], dream about [sth] vi + prep (fantasize)SCSimplified Chinese 幻想,空想,梦想 huàn xiǎng,kōng xiǎng,mèng xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 幻想,空想,夢想  She dreams about becoming an astronaut.  她幻想成为一名宇航员。 dream of doing [sth] vi + prep figurative (aspire) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 梦想做某事  Many teenagers dream of becoming pop stars, but few have the talent to make it happen.  许多青少年都梦想成为明星,不过没有几个人具备实现它的才能。 dream of doing [sth] v expr figurative (conceive)SCSimplified Chinese 设想 shè xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 設想   SCSimplified Chinese 想象 shè xiǎng,xiǎng xiàng TCTraditional Chinese 想象 备注: used especially where there is a doubt or a negative They wouldn't dream of going to Paris without seeing Michel!  他们完全没有设想到去了巴黎却没见成米歇尔! dream n (sleep images)SCSimplified Chinese 梦 mèng TCTraditional Chinese 夢   SCSimplified Chinese 睡梦 mèng,shuì mèng   SCSimplified Chinese 梦到的事物 mèng,mèng dào de shì wù  I had a funny dream last night.  昨晚我做了一个有趣的梦。 dream n (daydream, reverie)SCSimplified Chinese 白日梦 bái rì mèng TCTraditional Chinese 白日夢   SCSimplified Chinese 想入非非 bái rì mèng,xiǎng rù fēi fēi  He spends all day in his own dreams.  他一整天都在做白日梦。 dream n figurative (hope)SCSimplified Chinese 梦想 mèng xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 夢想   SCSimplified Chinese 向往 mèng xiǎng,xiàng wǎng TCTraditional Chinese 嚮往  I have a dream that one day we will all live in peace.  我的梦想是有一天,我们所有人都生活在和平之中。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 dream n figurative ([sb], [sth] beautiful)SCSimplified Chinese 美梦成真   (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 美梦  His new sportscar is a dream!  他的新跑车简直是美梦成真! dream n (fantasy, wish)SCSimplified Chinese 幻想 huàn xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 幻想   SCSimplified Chinese 遐想 huàn xiǎng,xiá xiǎng  His silly dreams will never become reality.  他荒谬的梦想永远都成不了真。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语dream | Dreaming英语中文 dream [sth] up, dream up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (invent: [sth] outlandish)SCSimplified Chinese 凭空设想 píng kōng shè xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 憑空設想   SCSimplified Chinese 空想 píng kōng shè xiǎng,kōng xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 空想  How did you ever dream up a silly idea like that?   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:dream | Dreaming英语中文 American dream n (ideal of prosperity)SCSimplified Chinese 美国梦 měi guó mèng TCTraditional Chinese 美國夢  They are second-generation immigrants who are living the American dream.  他们是怀揣美国梦的第二代移民。 bad dream n (nightmare)SCSimplified Chinese 噩梦 è mèng  I had a bad dream last night about failing all my exams. bad dream n figurative (unpleasant situation)SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕的状况  Yesterday was a bad dream. Everything went wrong. dare to dream v expr figurative (be ambitious)SCSimplified Chinese 敢于追梦 dream come true n figurative (desire becomes reality)SCSimplified Chinese 梦想成真 TCTraditional Chinese 夢想成真  Getting promoted was a dream come true for her. dream girl n (idealized woman)SCSimplified Chinese 梦中女孩 mèng zhōng nǚ hái TCTraditional Chinese 夢中女孩   SCSimplified Chinese 理想化的完美女孩  Sometimes a dream girl is just a dream. dream girl n (desirable young woman)SCSimplified Chinese 梦中女孩 mèng zhōng nǚ hái TCTraditional Chinese 夢中女孩   SCSimplified Chinese 妩媚动人的年轻女孩  The calendar features a collection of dream girls in bikinis. dream house n (ideal house for [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 梦幻屋 TCTraditional Chinese 夢幻屋   SCSimplified Chinese 理想家园  My dream house would be a villa with a swimming pool. dream job n informal (desired or ideal occupation) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 理想职业 lǐ xiǎng zhí yè TCTraditional Chinese 理想職業  My old job was a nightmare but this one's truly a dream job. dream life n (what is experienced in dreams)SCSimplified Chinese 梦想人生 dream life n figurative (ideal lifestyle)SCSimplified Chinese 理想生活 dream state n (mental state when you dream)SCSimplified Chinese 睡梦状态 shuì mèng zhuàng tài TCTraditional Chinese 睡夢狀態  Gary was wandering around, his eyes glazed over as if in a dream state. dream team n (perfect team)SCSimplified Chinese 梦之队   SCSimplified Chinese 最佳阵容 dream wedding n figurative (lavish wedding ceremony)SCSimplified Chinese 梦幻婚礼   SCSimplified Chinese 梦想婚礼  Her dream wedding would be in Hawaii. dream world n (idealization, fantasy)SCSimplified Chinese 幻想世界 huàn xiǎng shì jiè  In my dream world, I'm as young and healthy as I was 30 years ago. fever dream n (delirium)SCSimplified Chinese 梦幻经历   SCSimplified Chinese 幻觉 huàn jué TCTraditional Chinese 幻覺   SCSimplified Chinese 如痴如幻 in a dream expr figurative (in a trance)SCSimplified Chinese 恍恍惚惚 huǎng huǎng hū hū   SCSimplified Chinese 半梦半醒 huǎng huǎng hū hū,bàn mèng bàn xǐng  She's in love and walks around in a dream. pipe dream n figurative (unattainable wish) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 白日梦 bái rì mèng TCTraditional Chinese 白日夢  You have to admit that world peace is rather a pipe dream. pipe-dream⇒ vi (fantasize)SCSimplified Chinese 做白日梦 zuò bái rì mèng TCTraditional Chinese 做白日夢   SCSimplified Chinese 空想 zuò bái rì mèng,kōng xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 空想   SCSimplified Chinese 幻想 zuò bái rì mèng,huàn xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 幻想  You want to be a famous singer, even though you're tone deaf? I'd say it's time to stop pipe-dreaming. wet dream n informal (sexual dream causing ejaculation)SCSimplified Chinese 梦遗 mèng yí  I could tell when I did the laundry that my son had started having wet dreams.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: dream [driːm] (pt, pp dreamed or dreamt)I n [c] 1 (when asleep) 梦(夢) mèng [场 cháng] 2 (=ambition) 梦(夢)想 mèngxiǎng [个 gè] II vi ▶ to dream about (when asleep) 梦(夢)到 mèngdào to have a dream about sb/sth (when asleep) 梦(夢)到某人/某事 mèngdào mǒurén/mǒushì sweet dreams! (=sleep well!) 睡个(個)好觉(覺)! shuì gè hǎojiào! to dream that… (when asleep) 梦(夢)见(見)… mèngjiàn… (when wishing for sth) 渴望… kěwàng… to dream of doing sth (=fantasize) 梦(夢)想着(著)做某事 mèngxiǎngzhe zuò mǒushì I wouldn't dream of…我永远(遠)不… wǒ yǒngyuǎn bù…dream up vt [+ plan, idea etc] 凭(憑)空想出 píngkōng xiǎngchū 同义词: musing, daydreaming, in a reverie, absent-minded, rapt, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'Dreaming' 的论坛讨论:

Love is dreaming together, becoming kids again ... THAT she's been dreaming... - English Only forum ...his eyes moved, dreaming. - English Only forum ...not dreaming about it, (that) we make things happen. - English Only forum and yet I can’t help founding my dreaming of tomorrow on a vision of an “us” - English Only forum Are you dreaming? - English Only forum "As if dreaming" or "As if he were dreaming" - English Only forum by dreaming them, I entrust them to my memory - English Only forum California Dreaming - English Only forum Come where my love lies dreaming - English Only forum Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming - English Only forum Could you have been dreaming? - English Only forum Could you have been dreaming? - English Only forum Could you have been dreaming? I could have / I could / I could have been. - English Only forum dream is dreaming itself - English Only forum dream machine VS dreaming machine - English Only forum dreaming - noun or gerund - English Only forum Dreaming about, dreaming of - English Only forum dreaming into existence - English Only forum dreaming much vs seeing many dreams - English Only forum Dreaming out loud - English Only forum Dreaming the happy hours away - English Only forum Dreaming, over biting day under night - English Only forum Dreaming/Thinking/Lying/Lonely for... - English Only forum Even the maid is dreaming of her Byron. - English Only forum fast in the toils of dreaming. - English Only forum have dreamed/ have been dreaming - English Only forum He was dreaming about / of being healthy. - English Only forum I begin dreaming till I see my Marianne walk away - English Only forum I keep on dreaming and maybe it's the perfect time to start waking up for the reality - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'Dreaming'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "Dreaming" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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